Wow! So it has been almost 3 months since we left New York and almost 3 months since I have written... Why? I am not quite sure. Somehow, now that things are easier, and I have so much more time to myself, blogging has fallen to the wayside. Maybe I was more stressed in NY and needed the outlet more than I do here? Maybe I just needed to get settled. Now, I am ready to continue my online journal here. I am definitely ready to start shooting more.
For a brief re-cap of the last few months:
-We now live in a beautiful cabin in the woods in Tennessee.
-Smooshie now goes to daycare AKA "child development school" 5 days a week and LOVES it! More about that soon.
-I can now drive to the store and bring home as many groceries as I want - and at half the price. :)
We are feeling a little isolated and friend-deprived out here, but all-in-all we are getting so much work done and are very very happy. :)
Enjoying a fall festival last month...