Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Big Shopping Trip & Ultrasound

SO Monday we had an OB appointment and the final U/S to check things out. Mason is totally head down and ready to go! I actually couldn't see anything at the u/s because the screen was pointed away from me, and he is so big now and smushed in there that there isn't as much to see as the 20 week. DH did see him and his cute face. His hand is up by his face and he was doing his practice sucking, how sweet. The tech asked where he got his big pouty lips! Certainly not from me! Now I REALLY can't wait to see what he looks like! She printed us a photo of his face, but it really just looks like a blob to me so I won't bother scanning. She estimated that he is about 6 1/2 pounds right now and will probably be 7 1/2 - 8 1/2 pounds at birth. Sounds perfect to me, although I know these estimates can be way off the mark sometimes.

After the doctor we went to Buy Buy Baby to do our registry completion - so fun! Luckily, we didn't need any big ticket things but it still added up! We got 2 packs of Aden + Anais swaddling blankets, cloth diapers for burp cloths, a Dwell stroller blanket, window shades and mirror for the car, cup holder for the stroller, diapers, wipes, plain white onesies, little socks, two more hooded towels and washcloths, two miracle blankets... and the Twilight turtle! I couldn't resist! (Oh, and an impulse buy- a CD of Metallica nursery lullabye covers which is actually very CREEPY. I will not be listening to that at home alone, it sounds like a horror movie soundtrack).

When we got home there were some packages waiting - the Boppy with organic cover from one of my girlfriends, and some adorable Roobeez shoes from one of my clients!

I also found the PERFECT shabby chic bookcase on EBay and bought it last night. Now I just have to find delivery to get it here from PA, or we could drive out and pick it up this weekend. Is 2 1/2 hours too far to drive at 38 weeks? Hmm.. Also stalking Craig's List for a glider or rocker, no luck yet.

Twilight turtle, he is organic AND he projects constellations onto the ceiling. :)

The Dwell stroller blanket is SO soft..

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